Class RepositoryException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Writeable, ToXContent, ToXContentFragment
Direct Known Subclasses:
RepositoryConflictException, RepositoryMissingException, RepositoryVerificationException

public class RepositoryException extends ElasticsearchException
Generic repository exception
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RepositoryException

      public RepositoryException(String repository, String msg, Object... args)
      Construct a RepositoryException with the specified detail message. The message can be parameterized using {} as placeholders for the given arguments.
      repository - the repository name
      msg - the detail message
      args - the arguments for the message
    • RepositoryException

      public RepositoryException(String repository, String msg, Throwable cause, Object... args)
      Construct a RepositoryException with the specified detail message and nested exception. The message can be parameterized using {} as placeholders for the given arguments.
      repository - the repository name
      msg - the detail message
      cause - the nested exception
      args - the arguments for the message
    • RepositoryException

      public RepositoryException(StreamInput in) throws IOException
  • Method Details