Interface ClusterStateObserver.Listener

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface ClusterStateObserver.Listener
  • Method Details

    • onNewClusterState

      void onNewClusterState(ClusterState state)
      Called when a new state is observed. Implementations should avoid doing heavy operations on the calling thread and fork to a threadpool if necessary to avoid blocking the ClusterApplierService. Note that operations such as sending a new request (e.g. via Client or TransportService) is cheap enough to be performed without forking.
    • onClusterServiceClose

      void onClusterServiceClose()
      called when the cluster service is closed
    • onTimeout

      void onTimeout(TimeValue timeout)
      Called when the ClusterStateObserver times out while waiting for a new matching cluster state if a timeout is used when creating the observer. Upon timeout, onTimeout is called on the GENERIC threadpool.