All Classes and Interfaces

Base interface for responses that are acknowledged by the server
Builder for Acknowledgement.
Builder for AcknowledgeState.
Acknowledges a watch, manually throttling the execution of the watch's actions.
Builder for AckWatchRequest.
Builder for AckWatchResponse.
Builder for Action.
Action variant kinds.
Action variant kinds.
Builders for Action variants.
Builders for Action variants.
Builder for Actions.
Builder for Actions.
Builder for ActionStatus.
Base interface for Action variants.
Base interface for Action variants.
Creates or updates a user profile on behalf of another user.
Activates a currently inactive watch.
Builder for ActivationState.
Builder for ActivationStatus.
Builder for AdaptiveSelection.
Builder for AddAction.
Add an index block.
Builder for AddBlockRequest.
Builder for AddBlockResponse.
Aggregate variant kinds.
Builders for Aggregate variants.
Builder for AggregateOutput.
Base interface for Aggregate variants.
Aggregation variant kinds.
Builders for Aggregation variants.
Builder for AggregationProfile.
Builder for AggregationRange.
Base interface for Aggregation variants.
Builder for Alias.
Builder for AliasDefinition.
Builder for AliasesRecord.
Get aliases.
Builder for AliasesRequest.
Builder for AliasesResponse.
Builder for AllField.
Builder for AllocateAction.
Builder for AllocationDecision.
Provides explanations for shard allocations in the cluster.
Builder for AllocationRecord.
Provides a snapshot of the number of shards allocated to each data node and their disk space.
Builder for AllocationRequest.
Builder for AllocationResponse.
Builder for AllocationStore.
Annotation to allow usage of forbidden APIs inside a whole class, a method, or a field.
Builder for AnalysisConfig.
Builder for AnalysisConfigRead.
Builder for AnalysisLimits.
Builder for AnalysisMemoryLimit.
Builder for Analytics.
Builder for AnalyticsCollection.
Builder for AnalyticsStatistics.
Builder for AnalyzeDetail.
Analyzer variant kinds.
Builders for Analyzer variants.
Builder for AnalyzerDetail.
Performs analysis on a text string and returns the resulting tokens.
Builder for AnalyzeRequest.
Builder for AnalyzeResponse.
Base interface for Analyzer variants.
Builder for AnalyzeToken.
Builder for Anomaly.
Builder for AnomalyCause.
Builder for AnomalyDetectors.
Builder for AnomalyExplanation.
Builder for ApiKey.
ApiKeyAggregate variant kinds.
Builders for ApiKeyAggregate variants.
Base interface for ApiKeyAggregate variants.
ApiKeyAggregation variant kinds.
Builders for ApiKeyAggregation variants.
Base interface for ApiKeyAggregation variants.
Builder for ApiKeyAuthorization.
ApiKeyQuery variant kinds.
Builders for ApiKeyQuery variants.
Base interface for ApiKeyQuery variants.
Utility functions for API model types
Builder for AppendProcessor.
Builder for ArabicAnalyzer.
Builder for Archive.
Builder for ArmenianAnalyzer.
Builder for AsyncSearch.
Get async search status Retrieves the status of a previously submitted async search request given its identifier, without retrieving search results.
Builder for AttachmentProcessor.
Builder for Audit.
Builder for AuthenticatedUser.
Authenticate a user.
Builder for AutoFollowedCluster.
Builder for AutoFollowPattern.
Builder for AutoFollowStats.
Builder for AutoscalingCapacity.
Builder for AutoscalingDecider.
Builder for AutoscalingDeciders.
Builder for AutoscalingNode.
Builder for AutoscalingPolicy.
Builder for AverageAggregation.
Builder for AvgAggregate.
Builder for AzureRepository.
Builder for Base.
Builder for BasqueAnalyzer.
Builder for BengaliAnalyzer.
Binary data with an associated content type.
Builder for BinaryProperty.
Response for API endpoints that return non-JSON content.
Builder for BooleanProperty.
An API response that has boolean value according to the HTTP status code.
Builder for BoolQuery.
Builder for BoostingQuery.
Builder for BoxPlotAggregate.
Builder for BoxplotAggregation.
Builder for BrazilianAnalyzer.
Builder for Breaker.
Base type for bucket aggregations.
A sibling pipeline aggregation which executes a correlation function on the configured sibling multi-bucket aggregation.
Builder for BucketInfluencer.
A sibling pipeline aggregation which executes a two sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (referred to as a "K-S test" from now on) against a provided distribution, and the distribution implied by the documents counts in the configured sibling aggregation.
Builder for BucketKsAggregation.
Aggregation buckets.
Builders for Buckets variants.
Buckets path can be expressed in different ways, and an aggregation may accept some or all of these forms depending on its type.
Builders for BucketsPath variants.
Builder for BucketSummary.
A Jsonp mapper that has the additional capability of being able to buffer events.
An object deserializer based on a builder object deserializer and a build function.
Builder for BuildInformation.
Builder for BulgarianAnalyzer.
The role management APIs are generally the preferred way to manage roles, rather than using file-based role management.
Builder for BulkError.
A listener that is called by a BulkIngester to allow monitoring requests sent and their result.
BulkOperation variant kinds.
Builders for BulkOperation variants.
Base interface for BulkOperation variants.
The role management APIs are generally the preferred way to manage roles, rather than using file-based role management.
Builder for BulkPutRoleRequest.
Builder for BulkPutRoleResponse.
Bulk index or delete documents.
Used by the monitoring features to send monitoring data.
Builder for BulkRequest.
Builder for BulkRequest.
Builder for BulkResponse.
Builder for BulkResponse.
Builder for BulkResponseItem.
Builder for BulkStats.
Builder for ByteNumberProperty.
Builder for BytesProcessor.
Builder for CacheQueries.
Builder for CacheStats.
Retrieve node-level cache statistics about searchable snapshots.
Builder for CacheStatsRequest.
Builder for CacheStatsResponse.
Builder for Calendar.
Builder for CalendarEvent.
Cancels a task, if it can be cancelled through an API.
Builder for CancelRequest.
Builder for CancelResponse.
Builder for CatalanAnalyzer.
Builders for CategorizationAnalyzer variants.
A multi-bucket aggregation that groups semi-structured text into buckets.
Builders for CategorizeTextAnalyzer variants.
Builder for Category.
Builder for Ccr.
Gets all stats related to cross-cluster replication.
Builder for CcrStatsResponse.
Retrieves information about the X.509 certificates used to encrypt communications in the cluster.
Builder for Cgroup.
Builder for CgroupCpu.
Builder for CgroupCpuStat.
Builder for CgroupMemory.
Builder for ChainInput.
Changes the passwords of users in the native realm and built-in users.
Builders for CharFilter variants.
CharFilterDefinition variant kinds.
Builders for CharFilterDefinition variants.
Base interface for CharFilterDefinition variants.
Builder for CharFilterDetail.
Builder for CharFilterTypes.
Builder for CharGroupTokenizer.
Updates the last_seen field in the connector, and sets it to current timestamp
Builder for CheckInRequest.
Builder for CheckInResponse.
Builder for Checkpointing.
Builder for CheckpointStats.
Builder for ChildrenAggregate.
Builder for ChildrenAggregation.
Builder for ChineseAnalyzer.
Builder for ChiSquareHeuristic.
Builder for ChunkingConfig.
Builder for CircleProcessor.
Builder for CjkAnalyzer.
Builder for ClassicTokenizer.
Triggers the review of a snapshot repository’s contents and deletes any stale data not referenced by existing snapshots.
Evicts a subset of all entries from the API key cache.
Evicts application privileges from the native application privileges cache.
Evicts users from the user cache.
Evicts roles from the native role cache.
Evicts tokens from the service account token caches.
Clears the caches of one or more indices.
Clear the cache of searchable snapshots.
Builder for ClearCacheRequest.
Builder for ClearCacheRequest.
Builder for ClearCacheResponse.
Builder for ClearCacheResponse.
Clears the SQL cursor
Builder for ClearCursorRequest.
Builder for ClearCursorResponse.
You can use this API to clear the archived repositories metering information in the cluster.
Clears the search context and results for a scrolling search.
Builder for ClearScrollRequest.
Builder for ClearScrollResponse.
Clear trained model deployment cache.
Builder for Client.
Clones an existing index.
Builder for CloneIndexRequest.
Builder for CloneIndexResponse.
Clones indices from one snapshot into another snapshot in the same repository.
Closes an index.
Builder for CloseIndexRequest.
Builder for CloseIndexResponse.
Builder for CloseIndexResult.
Close anomaly detection jobs.
Builder for CloseJobRequest.
Builder for CloseJobResponse.
Closes a point-in-time.
Builder for CloseShardResult.
Builder for ClusterAppliedStats.
Builder for ClusterDetails.
Builder for ClusterFileSystem.
Builder for ClusterIndices.
Contains statistics about shards assigned to selected nodes.
Builder for ClusterInfo.
Get cluster info.
Builder for ClusterInfoRequest.
Builder for ClusterInfoResponse.
Builder for ClusterIngest.
Builder for ClusterJvm.
Builder for ClusterJvmMemory.
Builder for ClusterJvmVersion.
Builder for ClusterNetworkTypes.
Builder for ClusterNode.
Builder for ClusterNodeCount.
Builder for ClusterNodes.
Builder for ClusterProcess.
Builder for ClusterProcessCpu.
Builder for ClusterProcessor.
ClusterRemoteInfo variant kinds.
Builders for ClusterRemoteInfo variants.
Base interface for ClusterRemoteInfo variants.
Builder for ClusterShardMetrics.
Builder for ClusterStateQueue.
Builder for ClusterStateUpdate.
Builder for ClusterStatistics.
Returns cluster statistics.
Builder for ClusterStatsRequest.
Builder for Collector.
Builder for Column.
Builder for CombinedFieldsQuery.
Builder for Command.
Builder for CommandCancelAction.
Builder for CommandMoveAction.
Builder for CommonTermsQuery.
Builder for CompactNodeInfo.
Builder for CompletionContext.
Builder for CompletionProperty.
The completion result object
Builder for CompletionResult.
Builder for CompletionStats.
Builder for CompletionSuggest.
Builder for CompletionSuggester.
Builder for ComponentTemplate.
Builder for ComponentTemplate.
Get component templates.
Builder for CompositeAggregate.
Builder for CompositeBucket.
Builder for CompositeSubField.
Condition variant kinds.
Builders for Condition variants.
Base interface for Condition variants.
Builder for ConfusionMatrixItem.
Builder for Connection.
Builder for Connector.
Builder for ConnectorFeatures.
Builder for ConnectorScheduling.
Builder for ConnectorSyncJob.
Builder for ConstantScoreQuery.
Constants for content-type values.
Text or location that we want similar documents for or a lookup to a document's field for the text.
Builder for Context.
Builder for Context.
Builders for Context variants.
Builder for ContextMethod.
Builder for ContextMethodParam.
Builder for ConvertProcessor.
Builder for CoordinatorStats.
Builder for CoordsGeoBounds.
Builder for Counter.
Builder for CountRecord.
Get a document count.
Returns number of documents matching a query.
Builder for CountRequest.
Builder for CountRequest.
Builder for CountResponse.
Builder for CountResponse.
Builder for Cpu.
Builder for CpuAcct.
Create an API key.
Builder for CreateApiKeyRequest.
Create a data stream.
Builder for CreatedStatus.
Create an index.
Builder for CreateIndexRequest.
Builder for CreateIndexResponse.
Builder for CreateOperation.
Creates a repository.
Index a document.
Builder for CreateRequest.
Builder for CreateResponse.
Creates a service accounts token for access without requiring basic authentication.
Creates a snapshot in a repository.
Builder for CsvProcessor.
Result of the cumulative_cardinality aggregation
Builder for CurrentNode.
Builder for CustomAnalyzer.
Builder for CustomNormalizer.
Builder for CustomScheduling.
Builder for CzechAnalyzer.
Builder for DailySchedule.
Builder for DanglingIndex.
Builder for DanishAnalyzer.
Builder for DataCounts.
Builder for DataDescription.
Builder for DataEmailAttachment.
Builder for Datafeed.
Builder for Datafeed.
Builder for DatafeedConfig.
Builder for Datafeeds.
Builder for DatafeedsRecord.
Builder for DatafeedStats.
Builder for DatafeedTimingStats.
DataframeAnalysis variant kinds.
Builders for DataframeAnalysis variants.
Builders for DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor variants.
Base interface for DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor variants.
Base interface for DataframeAnalysis variants.
Builder for DataframeAnalytics.
Builders for DataframeAnalyticsStats variants.
Base interface for DataframeAnalyticsStats variants.
DataframeEvaluation variant kinds.
Builders for DataframeEvaluation variants.
Base interface for DataframeEvaluation variants.
Builder for DataPathStats.
Builder for DataStream.
Builder for DataStreamIndex.
Data stream lifecycle denotes that a data stream is managed by the data stream lifecycle and contains the configuration.
Builder for DataStreamLifecycle.
Data stream lifecycle with rollover can be used to display the configuration including the default rollover conditions, if asked.
Builder for DataStreams.
Get data stream stats.
Builder for DataStreamTimestamp.
Builder for DataTiers.
Builder for DateDecayFunction.
Builder for DateHistogramBucket.
Builder for DateNanosProperty.
Builder for DateProcessor.
Builder for DateProperty.
Result of a date_range aggregation.
Builder for DateRangeAggregate.
Builder for DateRangeExpression.
Builder for DateRangeProperty.
Builder for DateRangeQuery.
A date-time that can be represented either as a string or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch.
Deactivates a currently active watch.
DecayFunction variant kinds.
Builders for DecayFunction variants.
Base interface for DecayFunction variants.
Builder for DecayPlacement.
Builder for Defaults.
Default implementation of TransportOptions.
Builder for Definition.
Builder for DeleteAction.
Delete an alias.
Builder for DeleteAliasRequest.
Builder for DeleteAliasResponse.
Deletes an async SQL search or a stored synchronous SQL search.
Builder for DeleteAsyncRequest.
Builder for DeleteAsyncResponse.
Deletes an async search by identifier.
Deletes auto-follow patterns.
Deletes an autoscaling policy.
Delete a behavioral analytics collection.
Delete documents.
Changes the number of requests per second for a particular Delete By Query operation.
Delete events from a calendar.
Delete anomaly jobs from a calendar.
Delete a calendar.
Delete component templates.
Deletes a connector.
Deletes the specified dangling index
Delete a datafeed.
Delete a data frame analytics job.
Delete data stream lifecycles.
Delete data streams.
Delete expired ML data.
Delete a filter.
Builder for DeleteFilterRequest.
Delete forecasts from a job.
Deletes a geoip database configuration.
Delete indices.
Builder for DeleteIndexRequest.
Builder for DeleteIndexResponse.
Delete an index template.
Acknowledged response.
Delete an inference endpoint
Delete an anomaly detection job.
Deletes an existing rollup job.
Builder for DeleteJobRequest.
Builder for DeleteJobRequest.
Builder for DeleteJobResponse.
Builder for DeleteJobResponse.
Deletes licensing information for the cluster
Deletes the specified lifecycle policy definition.
Deletes an existing snapshot lifecycle policy.
Delete a model snapshot.
Removes a node from the shutdown list.
Builder for DeleteNodeRequest.
Builder for DeleteNodeResponse.
Builder for DeleteOperation.
Deletes one or more existing ingest pipeline.
Deletes a pipeline used for Logstash Central Management.
Delete an enrich policy.
Builder for DeletePolicyRequest.
Removes application privileges.
Deletes a repository.
Delete a document.
Builder for DeleteRequest.
Builder for DeleteResponse.
Removes role mappings.
Removes roles in the native realm.
Builder for DeleteRoleRequest.
Builder for DeleteRoleResponse.
Deletes a query rule within a query ruleset.
Builder for DeleteRuleRequest.
Builder for DeleteRuleResponse.
Deletes a query ruleset.
Delete a script or search template.
Builder for DeleteScriptRequest.
Delete a search application.
Deletes a service account token.
Deletes one or more snapshots.
Deletes a synonym set
Deletes a synonym rule in a synonym set
Deletes a legacy index template.
Delete a trained model alias.
Delete an unreferenced trained model.
Delete a transform.
Deletes users from the native realm.
Builder for DeleteUserRequest.
Builder for DeleteUserResponse.
Clears cluster voting config exclusions.
Removes a watch from Watcher.
Builder for DeleteWatchRequest.
Builder for DeleteWatchResponse.
Builder for DenseVectorProperty.
Builder for Dependency.
Builder for Deprecation.
Builder for DeprecationIndexing.
Retrieves information about different cluster, node, and index level settings that use deprecated features that will be removed or changed in the next major version.
Builder for DeprecationsRequest.
Builder for DerivativeAggregate.
Builder for Destination.
Builder for Destination.
Builder for DetectionRule.
Builder for Detector.
Builder for DetectorRead.
Builder for DfsKnnProfile.
Builder for DfsProfile.
Builder for Diagnosis.
Base class for dictionary responses, i.e.
Builder for DirectGenerator.
Disables a user profile so it's not visible in user profile searches.
Disables users in the native realm.
Builder for DisableUserRequest.
Builder for Discovery.
Builder for DiscoveryNode.
Builder for DiskIndicator.
Builder for DiskUsage.
Analyzes the disk usage of each field of an index or data stream.
Builder for DiskUsageRequest.
Builder for DiskUsageResponse.
Builder for DisMaxQuery.
Builder for DissectProcessor.
DistanceFeatureQuery variant kinds.
Builders for DistanceFeatureQuery variants.
Base interface for DistanceFeatureQuery variants.
Builder for DocStats.
Builder for Document.
Builder for DocumentRating.
The simulated document, with optional metadata.
Builder for DocumentSimulation.
Builder for DoubleRangeProperty.
Result of a terms aggregation when the field is some kind of decimal number like a float, double, or distance.
Builder for DoubleTermsBucket.
Builder for DownsampleAction.
Builder for DownsampleConfig.
Aggregates a time series (TSDS) index and stores pre-computed statistical summaries (min, max, sum, value_count and avg) for each metric field grouped by a configured time interval.
Builder for DownsampleRequest.
Builder for DownsampleResponse.
Builder for DownsamplingRound.
Builder for DropProcessor.
Builder for DutchAnalyzer.
Builder for DynamicProperty.
DynamicTemplate variant kinds.
Builders for DynamicTemplate variants.
Base interface for DynamicTemplate variants.
Builder for EdgeNGramTokenizer.
Client for the namespace.
Client for the async_search namespace.
Client for the async_search namespace.
Client for the autoscaling namespace.
Client for the autoscaling namespace.
Client for the cat namespace.
Client for the cat namespace.
Client for the ccr namespace.
Client for the ccr namespace.
Client for the namespace.
Client for the cluster namespace.
Client for the cluster namespace.
Client for the connector namespace.
Client for the connector namespace.
Client for the dangling_indices namespace.
Client for the dangling_indices namespace.
Client for the enrich namespace.
Client for the enrich namespace.
Client for the eql namespace.
Client for the eql namespace.
Client for the esql namespace.
Client for the esql namespace.
Exception thrown by API client methods when Elasticsearch could not accept or process a request.
Client for the features namespace.
Client for the features namespace.
Client for the fleet namespace.
Client for the fleet namespace.
Client for the graph namespace.
Client for the graph namespace.
Client for the ilm namespace.
Client for the ilm namespace.
Client for the indices namespace.
Client for the indices namespace.
Client for the inference namespace.
Client for the inference namespace.
Client for the ingest namespace.
Client for the ingest namespace.
Client for the license namespace.
Client for the license namespace.
Client for the logstash namespace.
Client for the logstash namespace.
Client for the migration namespace.
Client for the migration namespace.
Client for the ml namespace.
Client for the ml namespace.
Client for the monitoring namespace.
Client for the monitoring namespace.
Client for the nodes namespace.
Client for the nodes namespace.
Client for the query_rules namespace.
Client for the query_rules namespace.
Client for the rollup namespace.
Client for the rollup namespace.
Client for the searchable_snapshots namespace.
Client for the searchable_snapshots namespace.
Client for the search_application namespace.
Client for the search_application namespace.
Client for the security namespace.
Client for the security namespace.
Client for the shutdown namespace.
Client for the shutdown namespace.
Client for the slm namespace.
Client for the slm namespace.
Client for the snapshot namespace.
Client for the snapshot namespace.
Client for the sql namespace.
Client for the sql namespace.
Client for the ssl namespace.
Client for the ssl namespace.
Client for the synonyms namespace.
Client for the synonyms namespace.
Client for the tasks namespace.
Client for the tasks namespace.
Client for the text_structure namespace.
Client for the text_structure namespace.
Client for the transform namespace.
Client for the transform namespace.
A transport layer that implements Elasticsearch specificities.
Reduced (minimal) info ElasticsearchVersion
Client for the watcher namespace.
Client for the watcher namespace.
Client for the xpack namespace.
Client for the xpack namespace.
Builder for ElisionTokenFilter.
Builder for Email.
Builder for EmailAction.
EmailAttachment variant kinds.
Builders for EmailAttachment variants.
Base interface for EmailAttachment variants.
Builder for EmailBody.
Builder for EmailResult.
For empty Class assignments
Enables a user profile so it's visible in user profile searches.
Enables users in the native realm.
Builder for EnableUserRequest.
An endpoint links requests and responses to HTTP protocol encoding.
An endpoint wrapper that adds attributes to the JSON mapper used to deserialize its response.
Builder for EnglishAnalyzer.
Builder for EnrichPolicy.
Builder for EnrichProcessor.
Get enrich stats.
Builder for EnrichStatsResponse.
Builder for EnrichSummary.
Enables a Kibana instance to configure itself for communication with a secured Elasticsearch cluster.
Allows a new node to join an existing cluster with security features enabled.
Builder for EnrollNodeResponse.
Builder for Ensemble.
Builder for Eql.
Deletes an async EQL search or a stored synchronous EQL search.
Builder for EqlDeleteRequest.
Builder for EqlDeleteResponse.
Builder for EqlFeatures.
Builder for EqlFeaturesJoin.
Builder for EqlFeaturesKeys.
Builder for EqlFeaturesPipes.
Returns the current status and available results for an async EQL search or a stored synchronous EQL search.
Builder for EqlGetRequest.
Builder for EqlGetResponse.
Builder for EqlHits.
Returns results matching a query expressed in Event Query Language (EQL)
Builder for EqlSearchRequest.
Builder for EqlSearchResponse.
Cause and details about a request failure.
Builder for ErrorCause.
The response returned by Elasticsearch when request execution did not succeed.
Builder for ErrorResponse.
A deserializer for ES|QL responses.
Estimate job model memory usage.
Builder for EstonianAnalyzer.
Evaluate data frame analytics.
Builder for EventDataStream.
Builder for EwmaModelSettings.
Immediately creates a snapshot according to the lifecycle policy, without waiting for the scheduled time.
Creates the enrich index for an existing enrich policy.
Deletes any snapshots that are expired according to the policy's retention rules.
This API can be used to force execution of the watch outside of its triggering logic or to simulate the watch execution for debugging purposes.
Builder for ExecuteWatchRequest.
Builder for ExecutingPolicy.
Builder for ExecutionResult.
Builder for ExecutionState.
Builder for ExecutionThreadPool.
Check aliases.
Builder for ExistsAliasRequest.
Check component templates.
Returns information about whether a particular index template exists.
Builder for ExistsQuery.
Check a document.
Check indices.
Builder for ExistsRequest.
Builder for ExistsRequest.
Check for a document source.
Builder for ExistsSourceRequest.
Check existence of index templates.
Builder for ExplainAnalyzeToken.
Explain data frame analytics config.
Get the status for a data stream lifecycle.
Retrieves information about the index’s current lifecycle state, such as the currently executing phase, action, and step.
Explain a document match result.
Builder for ExplainRequest.
Builder for ExplainResponse.
Builder for Explanation.
Builder for ExplanationDetail.
Builder for ExploreControls.
Extracts and summarizes information about the documents and terms in an Elasticsearch data stream or index.
Builder for ExploreRequest.
Builder for ExploreResponse.
Builder for ExtendedBounds.
Builder for ExtendedMemoryStats.
Utilities for union types whose discriminant is not directly part of the structure, either as an enclosing property name or as an inner property.
A deserializer for externally-tagged unions.
Builder for FailProcessor.
Builder for FailureStore.
Builder for Feature.
Builder for Feature.
Builder for FeatureEnabled.
Builder for Features.
Builder for FeatureToggle.
Builder for FetchProfile.
Builder for FetchProfileDebug.
Builder for FieldAliasProperty.
A reference to a field with formatting instructions on how to return the value
Builder for FieldAndFormat.
Builder for FieldCapability.
The field capabilities API returns the information about the capabilities of fields among multiple indices.
Builder for FieldCapsRequest.
Builder for FieldCapsResponse.
Builder for FieldCollapse.
Builder for FielddataRecord.
Returns the amount of heap memory currently used by the field data cache on every data node in the cluster.
Builder for FielddataRequest.
Builder for FielddataResponse.
Builder for FielddataStats.
A date range limit, represented either as a DateMath expression or a number expressed according to the target field's precision.
Builders for FieldDateMath variants.
Builder for FieldLookup.
Builder for FieldMapping.
Builder for FieldMemoryUsage.
Builder for FieldMetric.
Builder for FieldNamesField.
FieldRule variant kinds.
Builders for FieldRule variants.
Base interface for FieldRule variants.
Builder for FieldSecurity.
Builder for FieldSizeUsage.
Builder for FieldSort.
Builder for FieldStatistics.
FieldSuggester variant kinds.
Builders for FieldSuggester variants.
Base interface for FieldSuggester variants.
Builder for FieldSummary.
Builder for FieldTypes.
Builder for FieldTypesMappings.
Returns field usage information for each shard and field of an index.
Builder for FileDetails.
Builder for FileSystem.
Builder for FileSystemTotal.
Fill mask inference options
Builder for Filter.
Builder for Filter.
Builder for FilterAggregate.
Builder for FilteringConfig.
Builder for FilteringRule.
Builder for FilteringRules.
Builder for FilteringValidation.
Builder for FilterRef.
Builder for FiltersAggregate.
Builder for FiltersAggregation.
Builder for FiltersBucket.
Builder for FingerprintAnalyzer.
Builder for FinnishAnalyzer.
Builder for Flattened.
Builder for FlattenedProperty.
The purpose of the fleet search api is to provide a search api where the search will only be executed after provided checkpoint has been processed and is visible for searches inside of Elasticsearch.
Builder for FleetSearchRequest.
Builder for FleetSearchResponse.
Builder for FloatNumberProperty.
Builder for FloatRangeProperty.
Force buffered data to be processed.
Builder for FlushJobRequest.
Builder for FlushJobResponse.
Flushes one or more data streams or indices.
Builder for FlushRequest.
Builder for FlushResponse.
Builder for FlushStats.
Builder for FollowerIndex.
Builder for FollowIndexStats.
Retrieves information about all follower indices, including parameters and status for each follower index
Builder for FollowInfoRequest.
Builder for FollowInfoResponse.
Creates a new follower index configured to follow the referenced leader index.
Builder for FollowRequest.
Builder for FollowResponse.
Builder for FollowStats.
Retrieves follower stats.
Builder for FollowStatsRequest.
Builder for FollowStatsResponse.
Builder for ForceMergeAction.
Performs the force merge operation on one or more indices.
Builder for ForcemergeRequest.
Builder for ForcemergeResponse.
Builder for ForeachProcessor.
Predict future behavior of a time series.
Builder for ForecastRequest.
Builder for ForecastResponse.
Removes the follower retention leases from the leader.
Builder for FoundStatus.
Builder for FrenchAnalyzer.
Builder for FrozenIndices.
FunctionScore variant kinds.
Builders for FunctionScore variants.
Builder for FunctionScoreQuery.
Base interface for FunctionScore variants.
Builder for FuzzyQuery.
Builder for GalicianAnalyzer.
Builder for GarbageCollector.
Builder for GcsRepository.
Builder for GeoBoundingBoxQuery.
A geo bounding box.
Builder for GeoBoundsAggregate.
Builders for GeoBounds variants.
Builder for GeoDecayFunction.
Result of a geo_distance aggregation.
Builder for GeoDistanceQuery.
Builder for GeoDistanceSort.
Builder for GeoGridProcessor.
Builder for GeoHashGridBucket.
Builder for GeoHashLocation.
A precision that can be expressed as a geohash length between 1 and 12, or a distance measure like "1km", "10m".
Builders for GeoHashPrecision variants.
Builder for GeoHexGridAggregate.
Builder for GeoHexGridBucket.
Downloaded databases for the node.
Builder for GeoIpNodeDatabases.
Builder for GeoIpProcessor.
Gets download statistics for GeoIP2 databases used with the geoip processor.
Builder for GeoIpStatsResponse.
A GeoJson GeoLine.
Builder for GeoLine.
Builder for GeoLineAggregate.
Builder for GeoLineAggregation.
Builder for GeoLinePoint.
Builder for GeoLineSort.
A latitude/longitude as a 2 dimensional point.
Builders for GeoLocation variants.
Builder for GeoPointProperty.
Builder for GeoPolygonPoints.
7.12.0 Use geo-shape instead.
Builder for GeoResults.
Builder for GeoShapeFieldQuery.
The geo_shape data type facilitates the indexing of and searching with arbitrary geo shapes such as rectangles and polygons.
Builder for GeoShapeProperty.
Builder for GeoShapeQuery.
Builder for GeoTileGridBucket.
Builder for GermanAnalyzer.
Get aliases.
Builder for GetAliasRequest.
Builder for GetAliasResponse.
Get API key information.
Builder for GetApiKeyRequest.
Builder for GetApiKeyResponse.
Returns the current status and available results for an async SQL search or stored synchronous SQL search
Builder for GetAsyncRequest.
Builder for GetAsyncResponse.
Retrieves the results of a previously submitted async search request given its identifier.
Returns the current status of an async SQL search or a stored synchronous SQL search
Gets configured auto-follow patterns.
Gets the current autoscaling capacity based on the configured autoscaling policy.
Retrieves an autoscaling policy.
Retrieves information about the status of the basic license.
Get behavioral analytics collections.
Get anomaly detection job results for buckets.
Builder for GetBucketsRequest.
Builder for GetBucketsResponse.
Retrieves the list of cluster privileges and index privileges that are available in this version of Elasticsearch.
Get info about events in calendars.
Get calendar configuration info.
Builder for GetCalendarsRequest.
Get anomaly detection job results for categories.
Returns cluster-wide settings.
Get component templates.
Retrieves a connector.
Builder for GetConnectorRequest.
Get datafeeds configuration info.
Builder for GetDatafeedsRequest.
Get datafeeds usage info.
Get data frame analytics job configuration info.
Get data frame analytics jobs usage info.
Get data stream lifecycles.
Get data streams.
Returns the current status for an async EQL search or a stored synchronous EQL search without returning results.
Builder for GetEqlStatusRequest.
Gets a list of features which can be included in snapshots using the feature_states field when creating a snapshot
Builder for GetFeaturesResponse.
Find out whether system features need to be upgraded or not
Get mapping definitions.
Get filters.
Builder for GetFiltersRequest.
Builder for GetFiltersResponse.
Returns information about one or more geoip database configurations.
Retrieves the current index lifecycle management (ILM) status.
Get index information.
Builder for GetIndexRequest.
Builder for GetIndexResponse.
Get index templates.
Get index settings.
Get an inference endpoint
Builder for GetInferenceRequest.
Get anomaly detection job results for influencers.
Get anomaly detection jobs configuration info.
Retrieves the configuration, stats, and status of rollup jobs.
Builder for GetJobsRequest.
Builder for GetJobsRequest.
Builder for GetJobsResponse.
Builder for GetJobsResponse.
Get anomaly detection jobs usage info.
Builder for GetJobStatsRequest.
Builder for GetJobStatsResponse.
Get license information.
Builder for GetLicenseRequest.
Builder for GetLicenseResponse.
Retrieves a lifecycle policy.
Retrieves one or more snapshot lifecycle policy definitions and information about the latest snapshot attempts.
Builder for GetLifecycleRequest.
Builder for GetLifecycleRequest.
Get mapping definitions.
Builder for GetMappingRequest.
Builder for GetMappingResponse.
Get machine learning memory usage info.
Get model snapshots info.
Get anomaly detection job model snapshot upgrade usage info.
Retrieve status of a node or nodes that are currently marked as shutting down.
Builder for GetNodeRequest.
Builder for GetNodeResponse.
Get overall bucket results.
Returns information about one or more ingest pipelines.
Retrieves pipelines used for Logstash Central Management.
Builder for GetPipelineRequest.
Builder for GetPipelineRequest.
Builder for GetPipelineResponse.
Builder for GetPipelineResponse.
Get an enrich policy.
Builder for GetPolicyRequest.
Builder for GetPolicyResponse.
Retrieves application privileges.
Get anomaly records for an anomaly detection job.
Builder for GetRecordsRequest.
Builder for GetRecordsResponse.
You can use the cluster repositories metering API to retrieve repositories metering information in a cluster.
Returns information about a repository.
Get a document by its ID.
Builder for GetRequest.
Builder for GetResponse.
Builder for GetResult.
Retrieves role mappings.
The role management APIs are generally the preferred way to manage roles, rather than using file-based role management.
Builder for GetRoleRequest.
Builder for GetRoleResponse.
Returns the capabilities of any rollup jobs that have been configured for a specific index or index pattern.
Returns the rollup capabilities of all jobs inside of a rollup index (for example, the index where rollup data is stored).
Returns the details about a query rule within a query ruleset
Builder for GetRuleRequest.
Builder for GetRuleResponse.
Returns the details about a query ruleset
Builder for GetRulesetRequest.
Builder for GetRulesetResponse.
Returns all script contexts.
Returns available script types, languages and contexts
Get a script or search template.
Builder for GetScriptRequest.
Builder for GetScriptResponse.
Get search application details.
This API returns a list of service accounts that match the provided path parameter(s).
Retrieves information of all service credentials for a service account.
Retrieves the status of snapshot lifecycle management (SLM).
Returns information about a snapshot.
Builder for GetSnapshotRequest.
Builder for GetSnapshotResponse.
Get a document's source.
Builder for GetSourceRequest.
Builder for GetSourceResponse.
Builder for GetStats.
Returns global and policy-level statistics about actions taken by snapshot lifecycle management.
Builder for GetStatsResponse.
Retrieves a synonym set
Builder for GetSynonymRequest.
Builder for GetSynonymResponse.
Retrieves a synonym rule from a synonym set
Retrieves a summary of all defined synonym sets
Get task information.
Builder for GetTasksRequest.
Builder for GetTasksResponse.
Get index templates.
Builder for GetTemplateRequest.
Builder for GetTemplateResponse.
Creates a bearer token for access without requiring basic authentication.
Builder for GetTokenRequest.
Builder for GetTokenResponse.
Get trained model configuration info.
Get trained models usage info.
Get transforms.
Builder for GetTransformRequest.
Get transform stats.
Retrieves information about the status of the trial license.
Retrieves security privileges for the logged in user.
Retrieves a user's profile using the unique profile ID.
Retrieves information about users in the native realm and built-in users.
Builder for GetUserRequest.
Builder for GetUserResponse.
Retrieves a watch by its ID.
Builder for GetWatchRequest.
Builder for GetWatchResponse.
Builder for GlobalAggregate.
Builder for GlobalPrivilege.
Builder for GrantApiKey.
Creates an API key on behalf of another user.
Builder for GrantApiKeyRequest.
Builder for GrantApiKeyResponse.
Builder for GreekAnalyzer.
Builder for GrokProcessor.
Builder for Groupings.
Builder for GsubProcessor.
Builder for HasChildQuery.
Builder for HasParentQuery.
Check user privileges.
Determines whether the users associated with the specified profile IDs have all the requested privileges.
Builder for HdrMethod.
A (string, string) map with case-insensitive keys.
Builder for HealthRecord.
Returns the health of the cluster.
Builder for HealthReportRequest.
Returns the health status of a cluster, similar to the cluster health API.
The cluster health API returns a simple status on the health of the cluster.
Builder for HealthRequest.
Builder for HealthRequest.
Builder for HealthResponse.
Builder for HealthResponse.
Builder for HealthStatistics.
Builder for HelpRecord.
Get CAT help.
Builder for HelpResponse.
Builder for Highlight.
Builder for HighlightField.
Builder for HindiAnalyzer.
Builder for Hint.
Builder for HistogramAggregate.
Builder for HistogramBucket.
Builder for HistogramGrouping.
Builder for HistogramProperty.
Builder for Hit.
Builder for HitsEvent.
Builder for HitsMetadata.
Builder for HitsSequence.
Builder for Hop.
This API yields a breakdown of the hot threads on each selected node in the cluster.
Builder for HotThreadsRequest.
Builder for HourAndMinute.
Builder for HourlySchedule.
Builder for HtmlStripCharFilter.
Builder for HtmlStripProcessor.
Builder for Http.
Builder for HttpEmailAttachment.
Builder for HttpInput.
Builder for HttpInputProxy.
Builder for HttpRoute.
Builder for HttpRouteRequests.
Builder for HttpRouteResponses.
Builder for HungarianAnalyzer.
Builder for HunspellTokenFilter.
Builder for Hyperparameter.
Builder for Hyperparameters.
Builder for IcuAnalyzer.
Builder for IcuTokenizer.
Builder for IdsQuery.
Builder for Ilm.
Builder for IlmIndicator.
Builder for IlmIndicatorDetails.
Builder for IlmPolicy.
Builder for IlmPolicyStatistics.
Builder for Impact.
Imports the specified dangling index
Builder for IndexAction.
Builder for IndexAliases.
Builder for IndexCapabilities.
Builder for IndexDetails.
Builder for IndexField.
Builder for IndexHealthStats.
Builder for IndexingPressure.
Builder for IndexingPressure.
Builder for IndexingPressure.
Builder for IndexingStats.
Builder for IndexMappingRecord.
Builder for IndexOperation.
Index a document.
Builder for IndexRequest.
Builder for IndexResponse.
Builder for IndexResult.
Builder for IndexResultSummary.
Builder for IndexRouting.
Builder for IndexSegment.
Builder for IndexSegmentSort.
Builder for IndexSettingBlocks.
Builder for IndexSettings.
Builder for IndexState.
Builder for IndexStats.
Builder for IndexTemplate.
Builder for IndexTemplateItem.
Builder for IndexVersioning.
Builder for IndicatorNode.
Builder for Indicators.
Builder for IndicesBlockStatus.
Controls how to deal with unavailable concrete indices (closed or missing), how wildcard expressions are expanded to actual indices (all, closed or open indices) and how to deal with wildcard expressions that resolve to no indices.
Builder for IndicesOptions.
Builder for IndicesPrivileges.
While creating or updating a role you can provide either a JSON structure or a string to the API.
Builders for IndicesPrivilegesQuery variants.
Builder for IndicesRecord.
Get index information.
Builder for IndicesRequest.
Builder for IndicesResponse.
Builder for IndicesShardStores.
Builder for IndicesStats.
Returns statistics for one or more indices.
Builder for IndicesStatsRequest.
Builder for IndicesVersions.
Builder for IndonesianAnalyzer.
Builder for InferenceAggregate.
InferenceConfig variant kinds.
InferenceConfig variant kinds.
Builders for InferenceConfig variants.
Builders for InferenceConfig variants.
Inference configuration provided when storing the model config
InferenceConfigCreate variant kinds.
Builders for InferenceConfigCreate variants.
Base interface for InferenceConfigCreate variants.
InferenceConfigUpdate variant kinds.
Builders for InferenceConfigUpdate variants.
Base interface for InferenceConfigUpdate variants.
Base interface for InferenceConfig variants.
Base interface for InferenceConfig variants.
Configuration options when storing the inference endpoint
Builder for InferenceEndpoint.
Represents an inference endpoint as returned by the GET API
Builder for InferenceProcessor.
Perform inference on the service
Builder for InferenceRequest.
Builder for InferenceResponse.
InferenceResult is an aggregation of mutually exclusive variants
InferenceResult variant kinds.
Builders for InferenceResult variants.
Base interface for InferenceResult variants.
Evaluate a trained model.
Builder for Influence.
Builder for Influencer.
Builder for InfoFeatureState.
Get cluster info.
Builder for InfoResponse.
Builder for Ingest.
Builder for Ingest.
A bulk operation whose size has been calculated and content turned to a binary blob (to compute its size).
Builder for IngestStats.
Builder for IngestTotal.
Builder for InlineGet.
Builder for InnerHits.
Builder for InnerHitsResult.
Builder for InProgress.
Builder for Input.
Input variant kinds.
Builders for Input variants.
Base interface for Input variants.
Instrumentation for an Elasticsearch client.
A context with lifecycle callbacks for the various stages of request and response processing.
A thread scope.
Intervals variant kinds.
Builder for IntervalsAllOf.
Builder for IntervalsAnyOf.
Builders for Intervals variants.
IntervalsFilter variant kinds.
Builders for IntervalsFilter variants.
Base interface for IntervalsFilter variants.
Builder for IntervalsFuzzy.
Builder for IntervalsMatch.
Builder for IntervalsPrefix.
IntervalsQuery variant kinds.
Builders for IntervalsQuery variants.
Base interface for IntervalsQuery variants.
Base interface for Intervals variants.
Builder for IntervalsWildcard.
Invalidate API keys.
Invalidates one or more access tokens or refresh tokens.
Builder for InvertedIndex.
Builder for Invocation.
Builder for Invocations.
Builder for IoStatDevice.
Builder for IoStats.
Builder for IpFilter.
Builder for IpPrefixAggregate.
Builder for IpPrefixAggregation.
Builder for IpPrefixBucket.
Builder for IpProperty.
Builder for IpRangeAggregate.
Builder for IpRangeAggregation.
Builder for IpRangeBucket.
Builder for IpRangeProperty.
Builder for IrishAnalyzer.
Builder for ItalianAnalyzer.
A JSONP generator implementation on top of Jackson.
Translate a Jackson location to a JSONP location.
A JSONP parser implementation on top of Jackson.
A partial implementation of JSONP's SPI on top of Jackson.
Builder for Job.
Builder for JobBlocked.
Builder for JobConfig.
Builder for JobsRecord.
Builder for JobStatistics.
Builder for JobStats.
Builder for JobTimingStats.
Builder for JobUsage.
Builder for JoinProcessor.
Builder for JoinProperty.
A buffer of JSON events.
A raw JSON value.
An endpoint with a JSON response body.
Base interface for enumerations in API types.
An enum deserializer that also accepts boolean values.
Indicates that a class has a JsonpDeserializer as a static field.
Base class for JsonpDeserializer implementations that accept a set of JSON events known at instanciation time.
A JsonpMapper combines a JSON-P provider and object serialization/deserialization based on JSON-P events.
Defines attribute names for JsonpMapper features.
A mapping exception.
Builder for JsonProcessor.
An object that is its own JsonP serializer
Builder for Jvm.
Builder for JvmClasses.
Builder for JvmMemoryStats.
Builder for JvmStats.
Builder for JvmThreads.
Builder for KeyedProcessor.
Builder for KeyValueProcessor.
Builder for KeywordAnalyzer.
Builder for KeywordProperty.
Builder for KeywordTokenizer.
Builder for KnnCollectorResult.
Builder for KnnQuery.
Builder for KnnRetriever.
Builder for KnnSearch.
Builder for KnnSearchQuery.
Builder for KnnSearchResponse.
Builder for KStemTokenFilter.
Builder for KuromojiAnalyzer.
Builder for KuromojiTokenizer.
Builder for LanguageAnalyzer.
Builder for LanguageContext.
Builder for Latest.
Builder for LatLonGeoLocation.
Builder for LatvianAnalyzer.
A deserializer that delegates to another deserializer that is lazily created.
Builder for LearningToRank.
Builder for LengthTokenFilter.
Builder for LessThanValidation.
Builder for LetterTokenizer.
Builder for License.
Builder for LicenseInformation.
Builder for Lifecycle.
LifecycleExplain variant kinds.
Builders for LifecycleExplain variants.
Base interface for LifecycleExplain variants.
Text that we want similar documents for or a lookup to a document's field for the text.
Builders for Like variants.
Builder for LikeDocument.
Builder for Limits.
Returns all dangling indices.
Returns existing connectors.
Returns the existing search applications.
The task management API returns information about tasks currently executing on one or more nodes in the cluster.
Builder for ListRequest.
Builder for ListRequest.
Builder for ListRequest.
Builder for ListResponse.
Builder for ListResponse.
Builder for ListResponse.
Returns summarized information about existing query rulesets.
Builder for ListRulesetsRequest.
Builder for ListTypeValidation.
Builder for LithuanianAnalyzer.
Builder for LoggingAction.
Builder for LoggingResult.
Builder for LongNumberProperty.
Builder for LongRangeProperty.
Result of the rare_terms aggregation when the field is some kind of whole number like a integer, long, or a date.
Builder for LongRareTermsBucket.
Result of a terms aggregation when the field is some kind of whole number like a integer, long, or a date.
Builder for LongTermsAggregate.
Builder for LongTermsBucket.
Builder for LowercaseNormalizer.
Builder for LowercaseProcessor.
Builder for LowercaseTokenizer.
Builder for MachineLearning.
Builder for MappingCharFilter.
Mapping Limit Settings
Builder for MappingStats.
Builder for MasterRecord.
Returns information about the master node, including the ID, bound IP address, and name.
Builder for MasterResponse.
Builder for MatchAllQuery.
Builder for MatchedField.
Builder for MatchedText.
Builder for MatchNoneQuery.
A variant of text that trades scoring and efficiency of positional queries for space efficiency.
Builder for MatchPhraseQuery.
Builder for MatchQuery.
Builder for MatrixStatsFields.
Builder for MaxAggregate.
Builder for MaxAggregation.
Builder for Maxmind.
Builder for MemMlStats.
Builder for Memory.
Builder for MemoryStats.
Builder for MemStats.
Builder for Merge.
Builder for MergeScheduler.
Builder for MergesStats.
Allows to get multiple documents in one request.
Builder for MgetRequest.
Builder for MgetResponse.
Builder for MigrateAction.
Convert an index alias to a data stream.
Switches the indices, ILM policies, and legacy, composable and component templates from using custom node attributes and attribute-based allocation filters to using data tiers, and optionally deletes one legacy index template.+ Using node roles enables ILM to automatically move the indices between data tiers.
Builder for MigrationFeature.
Builder for MigrationFeature.
Builder for MinAggregate.
Builder for MinAggregation.
Builder for MissingAggregate.
Builder for MissingAggregation.
Thrown by when a required property is missing.
Builder for MlCounter.
Get datafeeds.
Builder for MlDatafeedsRequest.
Builder for MlDatafeedsResponse.
Get data frame analytics jobs.
Builder for MlInference.
Return ML defaults and limits.
Builder for MlInfoResponse.
Builder for MlJobForecasts.
Get anomaly detection jobs.
Builder for MlJobsRequest.
Builder for MlJobsResponse.
Get trained models.
Builder for ModelPlotConfig.
Builder for ModelSizeStats.
Builder for ModelSnapshot.
Update data streams.
Builder for Monitoring.
Builder for MoreLikeThisQuery.
Builder for MountedSnapshot.
Mount a snapshot as a searchable index.
Builder for MountRequest.
Builder for MountResponse.
Manually moves an index into the specified step and executes that step.
Builder for MoveToStepRequest.
Builder for MoveToStepResponse.
Builders for MovingAverageAggregation variants.
Base interface for MovingAverageAggregation variants.
Allows to execute several search operations in one request.
Builder for MsearchRequest.
Builder for MsearchResponse.
Runs multiple templated searches with a single request.
Returns multiple termvectors in one request.
Builder for MtermvectorsRequest.
Base type for multi-bucket aggregation results that can hold sub-aggregations results.
Builder for MultiGetError.
Builder for MultiGetOperation.
Builders for MultiGetResponseItem variants.
Builder for MultiMatchQuery.
Builder for MultisearchBody.
Contains parameters used to limit or change the subsequent search body request.
Builder for MultisearchHeader.
Builder for MultiSearchItem.
Builders for MultiSearchResponseItem variants.
Builder for MultiTermLookup.
Builder for MultiTermsAggregate.
Builder for MultiTermsBucket.
Builder for Murmur3HashProperty.
A deserializer that delegates to another deserializer provided as a JSON mapper attribute.
A named value, i.e.
Builder for NativeCode.
Marks a class a being serialized as nd-json (e.g.
Named entity recognition options
Builder for NerInferenceOptions.
Builder for NestedAggregate.
Builder for NestedAggregation.
Builder for NestedIdentity.
Builder for NestedProperty.
Builder for NestedQuery.
Builder for NestedSortValue.
Builder for NGramTokenFilter.
Builder for NGramTokenizer.
BERT and MPNet tokenization configuration options
RoBERTa tokenization configuration options
A ByteArrayOutputStream that reduces copy operations of its underlying buffer.
Builder for Node.
Builder for NodeAttributes.
Returns information about custom node attributes.
Builder for NodeattrsResponse.
Builder for NodeBufferPool.
Builder for NodeDiskUsage.
Builder for NodeInfo.
Builder for NodeInfoAction.
Builder for NodeInfoAggregation.
Builder for NodeInfoBootstrap.
Builder for NodeInfoClient.
Builder for NodeInfoDiscover.
Builder for NodeInfoHttp.
Builder for NodeInfoIngest.
Builder for NodeInfoIngestInfo.
Builder for NodeInfoJvmMemory.
Builder for NodeInfoMemory.
Builder for NodeInfoNetwork.
Builder for NodeInfoOSCPU.
Builder for NodeInfoPath.
Builder for NodeInfoScript.
Builder for NodeInfoSearch.
Builder for NodeInfoSettings.
Builder for NodeInfoTransport.
Builder for NodeInfoXpack.
Builder for NodeInfoXpackMl.
Builder for NodeJvmInfo.
Builder for NodePackagingType.
Builder for NodeProcessInfo.
Builder for NodeReloadError.
Builders for NodeReloadResult variants.
Builder for NodesCredentials.
Builder for NodeShard.
Builder for NodeShutdownStatus.
Returns cluster nodes information.
Builder for NodesInfoRequest.
Builder for NodesInfoResponse.
Builder for NodesRecord.
Returns information about the nodes in a cluster.
Builder for NodesRequest.
Builder for NodesResponse.
Returns cluster nodes statistics.
Builder for NodesStatsRequest.
Builder for NodesStatsResponse.
Contains statistics about the number of nodes selected by the request.
Builder for NodeStatistics.
Returns information on the usage of features.
Builder for NodesUsageRequest.
Builder for NodesUsageResponse.
Builder for NodeTasks.
Builder for NodeThreadPoolInfo.
Builder for NodeUsage.
A no-operation instrumentation.
Builder for NoriAnalyzer.
Builder for NoriTokenizer.
Normalizer variant kinds.
Builders for Normalizer variants.
Base interface for Normalizer variants.
Builder for NorwegianAnalyzer.
Builder for NumberRangeQuery.
Builder for NumericFielddata.
Base interface for all object builders.
Base class for object builders.
An object deserializer based on an ObjectBuilder.
A field deserializer parses a value and calls the setter on the target object.
Field deserializer for objects (and boxed primitives)
Builder for ObjectProperty.
And ES|QL adapter that returns an iterable of domain objects
Open anomaly detection jobs.
Builder for OpenJobRequest.
Builder for OpenJobResponse.
A search request by default executes against the most recent visible data of the target indices, which is called point in time.
Opens a closed index.
Builder for OpenRequest.
Builder for OpenResponse.
A union that is open, i.e.
An OpenTelemetry instrumentation for the Elasticsearch client.
Builder for OperatingSystem.
Builder for OverallBucket.
Builder for OverallBucketJob.
Builder for Overlapping.
Builder for Page.
Builder for PagerDutyAction.
Builder for PagerDutyContext.
Builder for PagerDutyEvent.
Builder for PagerDutyEventProxy.
Builder for PagerDutyResult.
A key/value pair.
Builder for ParentAggregate.
Builder for ParentAggregation.
Builder for ParentIdQuery.
Builder for ParentTaskInfo.
Pass through configuration options
Builder for PatternAnalyzer.
Builder for PatternTokenizer.
Pauses an auto-follow pattern
Pauses a follower index.
Builder for PauseFollowRequest.
Builder for PauseFollowResponse.
Builder for PendingTask.
Builder for PendingTasksRecord.
Returns cluster-level changes that have not yet been executed.
Returns cluster-level changes (such as create index, update mapping, allocate or fail shard) that have not yet been executed.
Builder for PendingTasksRequest.
Builders for Percentiles variants.
Builder for PercolateQuery.
Builder for PercolatorProperty.
Builder for PersianAnalyzer.
Builder for Phase.
Builder for Phases.
Builder for PhoneticTokenFilter.
Builder for PhraseSuggest.
Builder for PhraseSuggester.
Builder for PhraseSuggestOption.
Ping the cluster.
Builder for PinnedDoc.
PinnedQuery variant kinds.
Builders for PinnedQuery variants.
Base interface for PinnedQuery variants.
Builder for Pipeline.
Builder for Pipeline.
Builder for PipelineMetadata.
Builder for PipelineProcessor.
Builder for PipelineSettings.
Builder for PipelineSimulation.
Builder for Pivot.
PivotGroupBy variant kinds.
Builders for PivotGroupBy variants.
Base interface for PivotGroupBy variants.
Builder for PluginsRecord.
Returns a list of plugins running on each node of a cluster.
Builder for PluginsResponse.
Builder for PluginsStatus.
Builder for PluginStats.
Builder for PointProperty.
Builder for Pool.
Builder for PortugueseAnalyzer.
Add scheduled events to the calendar.
7.11.0 Posting data directly to anomaly detection jobs is deprecated, in a future major version a datafeed will be required.
Builder for PostDataResponse.
Begin upgrades for system features
Creates a connector.
Updates the license for the cluster.
Builder for PostRequest.
Builder for PostRequest.
Builder for PostResponse.
Builder for PostResponse.
The start basic API enables you to initiate an indefinite basic license, which gives access to all the basic features.
The start trial API enables you to start a 30-day trial, which gives access to all subscription features.
Updates the cluster voting config exclusions by node ids or node names.
Builder for PrefixQuery.
Preprocessor variant kinds.
Builders for Preprocessor variants.
Base interface for Preprocessor variants.
Builder for PressureMemory.
Preview a datafeed.
Preview features used by data frame analytics.
Preview a transform.
Builder for PrivilegesCheck.
Builder for Process.
Builder for Processor.
Processor variant kinds.
Builders for Processor variants.
Extracts structured fields out of a single text field within a document.
Base interface for Processor variants.
Builder for Profile.
Promotes a data stream from a replicated data stream managed by CCR to a regular data stream
Property variant kinds.
Builders for Property variants.
Base interface for Property variants.
Create or update an alias.
Builder for PutAliasRequest.
Builder for PutAliasResponse.
Creates a new named collection of auto-follow patterns against a specified remote cluster.
Creates a new autoscaling policy.
Create a behavioral analytics collection.
Add anomaly detection job to calendar.
Create a calendar.
Builder for PutCalendarRequest.
Builder for PutCalendarResponse.
Updates the cluster settings.
Create or update a component template.
Create a datafeed.
Builder for PutDatafeedRequest.
Builder for PutDatafeedResponse.
Create a data frame analytics job.
Update data stream lifecycles.
Create a filter.
Builder for PutFilterRequest.
Builder for PutFilterResponse.
Returns information about one or more geoip database configurations.
Create or update an index template.
Update index settings.
Create an anomaly detection job.
Creates a rollup job.
Builder for PutJobRequest.
Builder for PutJobRequest.
Builder for PutJobResponse.
Builder for PutJobResponse.
Creates a lifecycle policy.
Creates or updates a snapshot lifecycle policy.
Builder for PutLifecycleRequest.
Builder for PutLifecycleRequest.
Update field mappings.
Builder for PutMappingRequest.
Builder for PutMappingResponse.
Adds a node to be shut down.
Builder for PutNodeRequest.
Builder for PutNodeResponse.
Creates or updates an ingest pipeline.
Creates or updates a pipeline used for Logstash Central Management.
Builder for PutPipelineRequest.
Builder for PutPipelineRequest.
Builder for PutPipelineResponse.
Create an enrich policy.
Builder for PutPolicyRequest.
Builder for PutPolicyResponse.
Adds or updates application privileges.
Creates or updates a connector.
Create an inference endpoint
Create or update a search application.
Builder for PutRequest.
Builder for PutRequest.
Builder for PutRequest.
Builder for PutResponse.
Builder for PutResponse.
Builder for PutResponse.
Creates and updates role mappings.
The role management APIs are generally the preferred way to manage roles, rather than using file-based role management.
Builder for PutRoleRequest.
Builder for PutRoleResponse.
Creates or updates a query rule within a query ruleset.
Builder for PutRuleRequest.
Builder for PutRuleResponse.
Creates or updates a query ruleset.
Builder for PutRulesetRequest.
Builder for PutRulesetResponse.
Create or update a script or search template.
Builder for PutScriptRequest.
Builder for PutScriptResponse.
Creates or updates a synonym set.
Builder for PutSynonymRequest.
Builder for PutSynonymResponse.
Creates or updates a synonym rule in a synonym set
Create or update an index template.
Builder for PutTemplateRequest.
Builder for PutTemplateResponse.
Create or update a trained model alias.
Create part of a trained model definition.
Create a trained model.
Create a trained model vocabulary.
Create a transform.
Builder for PutTransformRequest.
Adds and updates users in the native realm.
Builder for PutUserRequest.
Builder for PutUserResponse.
Creates a new watch, or updates an existing one.
Builder for PutWatchRequest.
Builder for PutWatchResponse.
Represents an operation that accepts 4 input arguments and returns no result.
Represents a function that accepts 4 arguments and produces a result.
Builder for Queries.
Query variant kinds.
Query API keys.
Builder for QueryApiKeysRequest.
Builder for QueryBreakdown.
Builders for Query variants.
Builder for QueryCacheStats.
Builder for QueryProfile.
Executes an ES|QL request
Executes a SQL request
Builder for QueryRequest.
Builder for QueryRequest.
Builder for QueryResponse.
Builder for QueryRole.
Retrieves roles in a paginated manner.
Builder for QueryRoleRequest.
Builder for QueryRoleResponse.
Builder for QueryRule.
Builder for QueryRuleActions.
Builder for QueryRuleCriteria.
Builder for QueryStringQuery.
Builder for QueryUser.
Retrieves information for Users in a paginated manner.
Builder for QueryUserRequest.
Builder for QueryUserResponse.
Base interface for Query variants.
QueryVectorBuilder variant kinds.
Builders for QueryVectorBuilder variants.
Base interface for QueryVectorBuilder variants.
Builder for QueryWatch.
Retrieves stored watches.
Builder for QueryWatchesRequest.
Question answering inference options
Builder for RandomScoreFunction.
Builder for RangeAggregate.
Builder for RangeAggregation.
Builder for RangeBucket.
RangeQuery variant kinds.
Builders for RangeQuery variants.
Base interface for RangeQuery variants.
Rank variant kinds.
Builders for Rank variants.
The rerank result object representing a single ranked document id: the original index of the document in the request score: the score of the document relative to the query text: Optional, the text of the document, if requested
Builder for RankedDocument.
Builder for RankEvalHit.
Builder for RankEvalHitItem.
Builder for RankEvalMetric.
Discounted cumulative gain (DCG)
Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR)
Mean Reciprocal Rank
Precision at K (P@k)
Recall at K (R@k)
Builder for RankEvalQuery.
Enables you to evaluate the quality of ranked search results over a set of typical search queries.
Builder for RankEvalRequest.
Builder for RankEvalRequestItem.
Builder for RankEvalResponse.
Builder for RankFeatureProperty.
Builder for RankFeatureQuery.
Base interface for Rank variants.
Builder for RateAggregate.
Builder for RateAggregation.
Builder for ReadException.
Builder for Realm.
Builder for RealmCache.
Builder for RealmInfo.
Builder for Recording.
Builder for RecoveryBytes.
Builder for RecoveryFiles.
Builder for RecoveryIndexStatus.
Builder for RecoveryOrigin.
Builder for RecoveryRecord.
Returns information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries.
Returns information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries for one or more indices.
Builder for RecoveryRequest.
Builder for RecoveryRequest.
Builder for RecoveryResponse.
Builder for RecoveryResponse.
Builder for RecoveryStartStatus.
Builder for RecoveryStats.
Builder for RecoveryStatus.
Builder for Redact.
Builder for RedactProcessor.
Refresh an index.
Builder for RefreshRequest.
Builder for RefreshResponse.
Builder for RefreshStats.
Builder for RegexOptions.
Builder for RegexpQuery.
Builder for RegexValidation.
Builder for ReindexNode.
Reindex documents.
Builder for ReindexRequest.
Builder for ReindexResponse.
Copies documents from a source to a destination.
Builder for ReindexStatus.
Builder for ReindexTask.
Builder for ReloadDetails.
Builder for ReloadResult.
Reloads an index's search analyzers and their resources.
Reloads the keystore on nodes in the cluster.
The cluster remote info API allows you to retrieve all of the configured remote cluster information.
Builder for RemoteInfoResponse.
Builder for RemoteSource.
Builder for RemoveAction.
Builder for RemoveIndexAction.
Removes the assigned lifecycle policy and stops managing the specified index
Builder for RemovePolicyRequest.
Builder for RemoveProcessor.
Builder for RenameProcessor.
Renders a search template as a search request body.
Builder for RepositoriesRecord.
Returns the snapshot repositories for a cluster.
Repository variant kinds.
Builders for Repository variants.
Builder for RepositoryLocation.
Base interface for Repository variants.
Verifies the integrity of the contents of a snapshot repository
Builder for RequestCacheStats.
Builder for RequestCounts.
Builder for RequestItem.
Builder for RequestItem.
Builder for RerouteDecision.
Builder for RerouteExplanation.
Builder for RerouteParameters.
Builder for RerouteProcessor.
Allows to manually change the allocation of individual shards in the cluster.
Builder for RerouteRequest.
Builder for RerouteResponse.
Rescore variant kinds.
Builders for Rescore variants.
Builder for RescoreQuery.
Base interface for Rescore variants.
Builder for ReservedSize.
Resets the internal state of features, usually by deleting system indices
Reset an anomaly detection job.
Builder for ResetJobRequest.
Builder for ResetJobResponse.
Reset a transform.
Provides information about each cluster request relevant to doing a cross-cluster search.
Builder for ResolveClusterInfo.
Resolves the specified index expressions to return information about each cluster, including the local cluster, if included.
Builder for ResolveIndexItem.
Resolves the specified name(s) and/or index patterns for indices, aliases, and data streams.
Builder for ResolveIndexRequest.
Restores a snapshot.
Builder for RestoreRequest.
Builder for RestoreResponse.
Resumes an auto-follow pattern that has been paused
Resumes a follower index that has been paused
Builder for ResumeFollowRequest.
Builder for Retention.
Builder for RetentionLease.
RetentionPolicy variant kinds.
Builders for RetentionPolicy variants.
Base interface for RetentionPolicy variants.
Builder for Retries.
Retriever variant kinds.
Builders for Retriever variants.
Base interface for Retriever variants.
Retries executing the policy for an index that is in the ERROR step.
Builder for RetryRequest.
Builder for RetryResponse.
Builder for ReverseTokenFilter.
Revert to a snapshot.
Builder for Role.
Builder for RoleDescriptor.
Builder for RoleDescriptorRead.
Builder for RoleMapping.
Builder for RoleMapping.
RoleMappingRule variant kinds.
Builders for RoleMappingRule variants.
Base interface for RoleMappingRule variants.
RoleQuery variant kinds.
Builders for RoleQuery variants.
Base interface for RoleQuery variants.
Builder for RoleTemplate.
Builders for RoleTemplateInlineQuery variants.
Builder for RoleTemplateQuery.
Builder for RoleTemplateScript.
Builder for RolloverAction.
Builder for RolloverConditions.
Roll over to a new index.
Builder for RolloverRequest.
Builder for RolloverResponse.
Builder for RollupCapabilities.
Builder for RollupFieldSummary.
Builder for RollupJob.
Builder for RollupJobStats.
Builder for RollupJobStatus.
Builder for RollupJobSummary.
Enables searching rolled-up data using the standard Query DSL.
Builder for RollupSearchRequest.
Builder for RomanianAnalyzer.
Builder for RoutingField.
Builder for RrfRank.
Builder for RRFRetriever.
Builder for RuleCondition.
Builder for RuleQuery.
Builder for RuntimeField.
Builder for RuntimeFieldsType.
Builder for RuntimeFieldTypes.
Builder for RuntimeFieldTypes.
Builder for RussianAnalyzer.
Builder for S3Repository.
A response consumer that will propagate Errors as RuntimeExceptions to avoid crashing the IOReactor.
Submits a SAML Response message to Elasticsearch for consumption.
Verifies the logout response sent from the SAML IdP.
Submits a SAML LogoutRequest message to Elasticsearch for consumption.
Submits a request to invalidate an access token and refresh token.
Builder for SamlLogoutRequest.
Builder for SamlLogoutResponse.
Creates a SAML authentication request (<AuthnRequest>) as a URL string, based on the configuration of the respective SAML realm in Elasticsearch.
Generate SAML metadata for a SAML 2.0 Service Provider.
Builder for SampleDiversity.
Builder for SamplerAggregate.
Builder for SamplerAggregation.
Schedule variant kinds.
Builders for Schedule variants.
Schedule a transform to start now.
A time of day, expressed either as hh:mm, noon, midnight, or an hour/minutes structure.
Builders for ScheduleTimeOfDay variants.
Base interface for Schedule variants.
Builder for ScoreSort.
Builder for Script.
Builder for ScriptCache.
Builder for ScriptCondition.
Builder for ScriptedHeuristic.
Builder for ScriptField.
Builder for Scripting.
Builder for ScriptProcessor.
Builder for ScriptQuery.
Builder for ScriptScoreFunction.
Builder for ScriptScoreQuery.
Builder for ScriptSort.
Run a script.
Builder for ScriptTransform.
Allows to retrieve a large numbers of results from a single search request.
Builder for ScrollRequest.
Builder for ScrollResponse.
Builder for SearchableSnapshots.
Retrieve shard-level statistics about searchable snapshots.
Builder for SearchApplication.
Run a search application search.
Builder for SearchIdle.
Builder for SearchInput.
Search a vector tile.
Builder for SearchMvtRequest.
Builder for SearchProfile.
Returns search hits that match the query defined in the request.
Builder for SearchRequest.
Builder for SearchResponse.
Returns information about the indices and shards that a search request would be executed against.
Builder for SearchShardsRequest.
Builder for SearchStats.
Runs a search with a search template.
Builder for SearchTransform.
Builder for Security.
Builder for SecurityRoles.
Builder for SecurityRolesDls.
Builder for SecurityRolesFile.
Builder for SecurityRolesNative.
Builder for Segment.
Builder for SegmentsRecord.
Returns low-level information about the Lucene segments in index shards.
Returns low-level information about the Lucene segments in index shards.
Builder for SegmentsRequest.
Builder for SegmentsRequest.
Builder for SegmentsResponse.
Builder for SegmentsResponse.
Builder for SegmentsStats.
Builder for SelectOption.
Builder for SemanticQuery.
Builder for SerbianAnalyzer.
Builder for ServiceToken.
Builder for SetPriorityAction.
Builder for SetProcessor.
The source of the data for the transform.
Builder for Settings.
Builder for SettingsAnalyze.
Builder for SettingsHighlight.
Builder for SettingsQueryString.
Builder for SettingsSearch.
SettingsSimilarity variant kinds.
Builders for SettingsSimilarity variants.
Base interface for SettingsSimilarity variants.
Set upgrade_mode for ML indices.
Builder for ShapeFieldQuery.
The shape data type facilitates the indexing of and searching with arbitrary x, y cartesian shapes such as rectangles and polygons.
Builder for ShapeProperty.
Builder for ShapeQuery.
Builder for ShardCommit.
Builder for ShardFailure.
Builder for ShardFileSizeInfo.
Builder for ShardHealthStats.
Builder for ShardLease.
Builder for ShardPath.
Builder for ShardProfile.
Builder for ShardQueryCache.
Builder for ShardRecovery.
Builder for ShardRouting.
Builder for ShardSegmentRouting.
Builder for ShardSequenceNumber.
Builder for ShardsRecord.
Returns information about the shards in a cluster.
Builder for ShardsRequest.
Builder for ShardsResponse.
Builder for ShardsSegment.
Builder for ShardsStats.
Builder for ShardsStats.
Builder for ShardsStatsSummary.
Builder for ShardStatistics.
Builder for ShardStats.
Builder for ShardStats.
Builder for ShardStore.
Builder for ShardStoreException.
Builder for ShardStoreIndex.
Builder for ShardStoreNode.
Retrieves store information about replica shards in one or more indices.
Builder for ShardStoresRequest.
Builder for ShardStoresResponse.
Builder for ShardStoreWrapper.
Builder for ShardsTotalStats.
Builder for Shared.
Builder for ShingleTokenFilter.
Builder for ShortNumberProperty.
Builder for ShrinkAction.
Shrinks an existing index into a new index with fewer primary shards.
Builder for ShrinkRequest.
Builder for ShrinkResponse.
Builder for SimpleAnalyzer.
A simple implementation of JsonpMapper that only handles classes of the Java API client.
Builder for SimulatedActions.
Simulate an index.
Executes an ingest pipeline against a set of provided documents.
Builder for SimulateRequest.
Builder for SimulateResponse.
Simulate an index template.
Base type for single-bucket aggregation results that can hold sub-aggregations results.
Builder for SizeField.
Builder for SizeHttpHistogram.
Builder for SlackAction.
Builder for SlackAttachment.
Builder for SlackMessage.
Builder for SlackResult.
Builder for SlicedScroll.
Slices configuration used to parallelize a process.
Builders for Slices variants.
Builder for Slm.
Builder for SlmConfiguration.
Builder for SlmIndicator.
Builder for SlmIndicatorDetails.
Builder for SlmPolicy.
Builder for SlowlogSettings.
Builder for SlowlogTresholds.
SmoothingModel variant kinds.
Builders for SmoothingModel variants.
Base interface for SmoothingModel variants.
Builder for SnapshotIndexStats.
Builder for SnapshotInfo.
Builder for SnapshotLifecycle.
Builder for SnapshotRestore.
Builder for SnapshotsRecord.
Returns information about the snapshots stored in one or more repositories.
Builder for SnapshotsRequest.
Builder for SnapshotsResponse.
Builder for SnapshotStats.
Returns information about the status of a snapshot.
Builder for SnowballAnalyzer.
Builder for SnowballTokenFilter.
Builder for SoftDeletes.
Builder for SoraniAnalyzer.
SortOptions variant kinds.
Builders for SortOptions variants.
Base interface for SortOptions variants.
Builder for SortProcessor.
Builder for Source.
Builder for Source.
Defines how to fetch a source.
Builders for SourceConfig variants.
Defines how to fetch a source.
Builders for SourceConfigParam variants.
Builder for SourceField.
Builder for SourceFilter.
Builder for SpanContainingQuery.
Builder for SpanFirstQuery.
Builder for SpanGapQuery.
Builder for SpanishAnalyzer.
Builder for SpanMultiTermQuery.
Builder for SpanNearQuery.
Builder for SpanNotQuery.
Builder for SpanOrQuery.
SpanQuery variant kinds.
Builders for SpanQuery variants.
Base interface for SpanQuery variants.
Builder for SpanTermQuery.
Builder for SpanWithinQuery.
SparseVectorQuery variant kinds.
Builders for SparseVectorQuery variants.
Base interface for SparseVectorQuery variants.
Builder for SplitProcessor.
Splits an existing index into a new index with more primary shards.
Builder for SplitRequest.
Builder for SplitResponse.
Builder for Sql.
Builder for Ssl.
Builder for StandardAnalyzer.
Builder for StandardRetriever.
Builder for StandardTokenizer.
Start datafeeds.
Start a data frame analytics job.
Start the index lifecycle management (ILM) plugin.
Builder for StartIlmRequest.
Builder for StartIlmResponse.
Starts an existing, stopped rollup job.
Builder for StartJobRequest.
Builder for StartJobResponse.
Turns on snapshot lifecycle management (SLM).
Builder for StartSlmResponse.
Start a trained model deployment.
Start a transform.
Starts Watcher if it is not already running.
Returns a comprehensive information about the state of the cluster.
Builder for StateRequest.
Builder for StateResponse.
Builder for Statistics.
Builder for Stats.
Statistics aggregation result.
Builder for StatsAggregate.
Builder for StatsAggregation.
Builder for Status.
Builder for StemmerTokenFilter.
Builder for StepKey.
Builder for StopAnalyzer.
Stop datafeeds.
Builder for StopDatafeedRequest.
Stop data frame analytics jobs.
Halts all lifecycle management operations and stops the index lifecycle management (ILM) plugin
Builder for StopIlmRequest.
Builder for StopIlmResponse.
Stops an existing, started rollup job.
Builder for StopJobRequest.
Builder for StopJobResponse.
Turns off snapshot lifecycle management (SLM).
Builder for StopSlmResponse.
Builder for StopTokenFilter.
Stop a trained model deployment.
Stop transforms.
Stops Watcher if it is running.
Builder for StopWatcherResponse.
Builder for Storage.
Builder for StoredScript.
Builder for StoreStats.
Result of the rare_terms aggregation when the field is a string.
Result of a terms aggregation when the field is a string.
Builder for StringTermsBucket.
Runs a search request asynchronously.
Builder for SubmitRequest.
Builder for SubmitResponse.
Builder for SuggestContext.
Builder for Suggester.
Builder for SuggestFuzziness.
Suggestion variant kinds.
Builders for Suggestion variants.
Base interface for Suggestion variants.
Get suggestions for user profiles that match specified search criteria.
Sum aggregation result.
Builder for SumAggregate.
Builder for SumAggregation.
Builder for SwedishAnalyzer.
Sync variant kinds.
Builders for Sync variants.
Cancels a connector sync job.
Deletes a connector sync job.
Retrieves a connector sync job.
Builder for SyncJobGetRequest.
Builder for SyncJobGetResponse.
Lists connector sync jobs.
Builder for SyncJobListRequest.
Builder for SyncJobListResponse.
Creates a connector sync job.
Builder for SyncJobPostRequest.
Builder for SyncJobPostResponse.
Builder for SyncRulesFeature.
Base interface for Sync variants.
Builder for SynonymRule.
Builder for SynonymRuleRead.
Builder for SynonymsSetItem.
Builder for SynonymTokenFilter.
TableValues variant kinds.
Builders for TableValues variants.
Base interface for TableValues variants.
Base interface for tagged union types (also known as sum types or variants).
Builder for TaskFailure.
Builder for TaskInfo.
Builders for TaskInfos variants.
Builder for TasksRecord.
Returns information about tasks currently executing in the cluster.
Builder for TasksRequest.
Builder for TasksResponse.
Builder for TDigest.
Builder for Template.
Builder for TemplateConfig.
Builder for TemplateMapping.
Builder for TemplatesRecord.
Returns information about index templates in a cluster.
Builder for TemplatesRequest.
Builder for TemplatesResponse.
Builder for Term.
Builder for TerminateProcessor.
Builder for TermQuery.
Builder for TermRangeQuery.
Builder for TermsAggregation.
The terms enum API can be used to discover terms in the index that begin with the provided string.
Builder for TermsEnumRequest.
Builder for TermsEnumResponse.
Builders for TermsExclude variants.
Builder for TermsGrouping.
Builders for TermsInclude variants.
Builder for TermsLookup.
Builder for TermsPartition.
Builder for TermsQuery.
Builders for TermsQueryField variants.
Builder for TermsSetQuery.
Builder for TermSuggest.
Builder for TermSuggester.
Builder for TermSuggestOption.
Builder for TermVector.
Get term vector information.
Builder for TermvectorsRequest.
Builder for TermvectorsResponse.
Tests a Grok pattern on some text.
Builder for TestPopulation.
Text classification configuration options
Builder for TextEmbedding.
The text embedding result object for byte representation
Text embedding inference options
The text embedding result object
Builder for TextEmbeddingResult.
Text expansion inference options
Builder for TextExpansionQuery.
Builder for TextIndexPrefixes.
Builder for TextProperty.
Builder for ThaiAnalyzer.
Builder for ThaiTokenizer.
Builder for ThreadCount.
Builder for ThreadPoolRecord.
Returns thread pool statistics for each node in a cluster.
Builder for ThreadPoolRequest.
Builder for ThreadPoolResponse.
Builder for ThrottleState.
Whenever durations need to be specified, e.g.
Builders for Time variants.
Builder for TimeHttpHistogram.
Builder for TimeOfMonth.
Builder for TimeOfWeek.
Builder for TimeOfYear.
Builder for TimeRetentionPolicy.
Builder for TimeSeriesAggregate.
Builder for TimeSeriesBucket.
Builder for TimeSync.
Builder for TimingStats.
Builder for Token.
Builder for Token.
Builder for Token.
Builder for TokenCountProperty.
Builder for TokenDetail.
Builders for TokenFilter variants.
TokenFilterDefinition variant kinds.
Builders for TokenFilterDefinition variants.
Base interface for TokenFilterDefinition variants.
Tokenization options stored in inference configuration
TokenizationConfig variant kinds.
Builders for TokenizationConfig variants.
Base interface for TokenizationConfig variants.
Builders for Tokenizer variants.
TokenizerDefinition variant kinds.
Builders for TokenizerDefinition variants.
Base interface for TokenizerDefinition variants.
Builder for TokenPruningConfig.
Builder for TopClassEntry.
Builder for TopHitsAggregate.
Builder for TopHitsAggregation.
Builder for TopMetrics.
Builder for TopMetricsAggregate.
Builder for TopMetricsValue.
Builder for TotalHits.
Builder for TotalUserProfiles.
Number of hits matching the query to count accurately.
Builders for TrackHits variants.
Builder for TrainedModel.
Builder for TrainedModelConfig.
Builder for TrainedModelsRecord.
Builder for TrainedModelStats.
Builder for TrainedModelTree.
Transform variant kinds.
Builders for Transform variants.
Builder for TransformProgress.
Builder for TransformsRecord.
Get transforms.
Builder for TransformsRequest.
Builder for TransformsResponse.
Builder for TransformStats.
Builder for TransformSummary.
Base interface for Transform variants.
Translates SQL into Elasticsearch queries
Builder for TranslateRequest.
Builder for TranslateResponse.
Builder for Translog.
Builder for TranslogRetention.
Builder for TranslogStats.
Builder for TranslogStatus.
The transport layer that allows ApiClients to send requests.
Builder for Transport.
Builder for TransportHistogram.
Minimal http client interface needed to implement an Elasticsearch transport.
A node/host to send requests to.
An http request.
An http response.
Container for all application-specific or request-specific options, including headers, query parameters and warning handlers.
Represents an operation that accepts 3 input arguments and returns no result.
Represents a function that accepts 3 arguments and produces a result.
Trigger variant kinds.
Builders for Trigger variants.
TriggerEvent variant kinds.
Builders for TriggerEvent variants.
Builder for TriggerEventResult.
Base interface for TriggerEvent variants.
Base interface for Trigger variants.
Builder for TrimProcessor.
Builder for TrimTokenFilter.
Builder for TruncateTokenFilter.
Builder for TTestAggregate.
Builder for TTestAggregation.
Builder for TurkishAnalyzer.
Builder for TypeFieldMappings.
Builder for TypeMapping.
Builder for TypeQuery.
Stops the following task associated with a follower index and removes index metadata and settings associated with cross-cluster replication.
Builder for UnfollowRequest.
Builder for UnfollowResponse.
Unfreezes an index.
Builder for UnfreezeRequest.
Builder for UnfreezeResponse.
Builder for UniqueTokenFilter.
Result of a rare_terms aggregation when the field is unmapped.
Result of the significant_terms aggregation on an unmapped field.
Result of a terms aggregation when the field is unmapped.
Builder for UnratedDocument.
Builder for UntypedRangeQuery.
Builder for UpdateAction.
Activates the valid draft filtering for a connector.
Create or update an alias.
Updates the API key id in the connector document
Update an API key.
Builder for UpdateApiKeyRequest.
Update documents.
Changes the number of requests per second for a particular Update By Query operation.
Updates the configuration field in the connector document
Update a datafeed.
Update a data frame analytics job.
Updates the filtering field in the connector document
Builder for UpdateErrorRequest.
Builder for UpdateErrorResponse.
Updates the filtering field in the connector document
Updates the draft filtering validation info for a connector.
Update a filter.
Builder for UpdateFilterRequest.
Updates the index_name in the connector document
Update an anomaly detection job.
Builder for UpdateJobRequest.
Builder for UpdateJobResponse.
Update a snapshot.
Updates the name and description fields in the connector document
Builder for UpdateNameRequest.
Builder for UpdateNameResponse.
Updates the is_native flag in the connector document
Builder for UpdateNativeRequest.
Builder for UpdateOperation.
Updates the pipeline field in the connector document
Update a document.
Builder for UpdateRequest.
Builder for UpdateResponse.
Updates the scheduling field in the connector document
Updates the service type of the connector
Updates the status of the connector
Builder for UpdateStatusRequest.
Update a trained model deployment.
Update a transform.
Updates specific data for the user profile that's associated with the specified unique ID.
Upgrade a snapshot.
Upgrades all transforms.
Builder for UppercaseProcessor.
Builder for UriPartsProcessor.
Builder for UrlDecodeProcessor.
Builder for UsageStatsIndex.
Builder for UsageStatsShards.
Builder for User.
Builder for UserAgentProcessor.
Builder for UserProfile.
Builder for UserProfileUser.
UserQuery variant kinds.
Builders for UserQuery variants.
Base interface for UserQuery variants.
Builder for UserRealm.
Validates an anomaly detection detector.
Validate a query.
Validates an anomaly detection job.
Builder for ValidateRequest.
Builder for ValidateResponse.
Validation variant kinds.
Builders for Validation variants.
Builder for ValidationLoss.
Base interface for Validation variants.
Value count aggregation result.
Builder for ValueCountAggregate.
Builder for Vector.
Builder for VerifyIndex.
Verifies a repository.
This class represents a SemVer version, with an optional patch revision.
Builder for VersionProperty.
Builder for Vertex.
Builder for VertexDefinition.
Builder for VertexInclude.
Annotates a program element that exists, or is more widely visible than otherwise necessary, only for use in test code.
Builder for Vocabulary.
Builders for WaitForActiveShards variants.
Builder for WarmerStats.
Builder for Watch.
Builder for Watcher.
Builder for WatcherActions.
Builder for WatcherActionTotals.
Builder for WatcherNodeStats.
Retrieves the current Watcher metrics.
Builder for WatcherStatsRequest.
Builder for WatcherWatch.
Builder for WatcherWatchTrigger.
Builder for WatchRecord.
Builder for WatchRecordStats.
Builder for WatchStatus.
Builder for WebhookAction.
Builder for WebhookResult.
Weighted average aggregation result.
Builder for WeightedTokensQuery.
Builder for Weights.
Builder for WhitespaceAnalyzer.
Builder for WhitespaceTokenizer.
Builder for WildcardProperty.
Builder for WildcardQuery.
An object that can read its state, in whole or part, from JSON.
Base class for object builders that can read themselves from JSON.
Base interface for request builders that can load properties found in URI paths segments and query parameters.
Builder for WktGeoBounds.
Builder for WrapperQuery.
Provides general information about the installed X-Pack features.
Builder for XpackInfoRequest.
Builder for XpackInfoResponse.
Builder for XpackUsageQuery.
This API provides information about which features are currently enabled and available under the current license and some usage statistics.
Builder for XpackUsageRequest.
Builder for XpackUsageResponse.
Zero shot classification configuration options